Friday, July 29, 2011

Lisbon Chamber Choir Concert

Okay, so here's my review so far during the Lisbon Chamber Choir concert. Sorry, no pictures of the choristers because only those who bought their cds can get their autographs. Bah!! That's not fair! Oh well. They're not my most favorite choir anyways. Now, onto the review.
We arrive to USCI just before 5 pm. We got in, gave our tickets to the users and to our seats, which is the VIP seat. Although it's still way to the back row, that's ok. Here are some photos from the basketball hall, where the concert is held.

Front Row


Program Book

The show starts quite late because some of the guest arrive quite late. Before the show starts, there's a word of welcome and an opening speech by the organizer, Hon Seo Lim.  And comes the show. Here's program part one:-

Missa Brevis St. Joannis de Deo
- Kyrie
- Gloria
- Credo
- Sanctus
- Benedictus
- Agnus Dei
(By Lisbon Chamber Choir and Young KL Singers)

The songs were quite short. The songs Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei sounds similar to Libera's songs but they sang differently.

- 'Gloria' from Dixit, by Vivaldi
- 'Enyonza' African folk song
- The Drunken Sailor - an English sea charity
(By The KL Children Choir (Senior Level))

These are the special guest they mention in the program book. I was amazed that they can sing some foreign language songs. Again the songs are short.

- Meus olhos van per lo mare
- El Dindirindin
- Deep River
- Dere's no hidin place
- Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel?
- Soon ah will be done
(By Lisbon Chamber Choir)

The first few songs were Portuguese while the four songs are English. There were first few songs before the songs on the program.
There was a interval break for 20 minutes. I was coughing throughout the part one concert show. Damn! I saw a few choristers going into the toliet. One was talking to a church member after I came out from the toilet. When I came out, we met my mom's friend from STM.
Now it's time for the second part of the show.

- Trai-trai
- Tiko Funa
- Serpa
- Liberdade
- Bujang Lapuk (P Ramlee's song)
- Ni Wa Wa
- Jambatan/Geylang

The Fantasticks (Choral selection)
- Try to remember
- Never say no
- It's gonna rain
- They were you
(By Lisbon Chamber Choir)

I like part 2 a lot because they are singing some of our classic folk songs like P Ramlee's song, Bujang Lapuk, Ni Wa Wa (a chinese song), Jambatan (a Kadazan song) and Geylang (a Malay song). I used to hear the song Jambatan during the speech day at our school, where the dance club performs a Sumazau dance. I used to play Geylang on the piano. I couldn't hear them singing though but they sound good. I wish Libera would sing these songs.

- The Sound of Portuguese Malacca
(By Lisbon Chamber Choir and Young KL Singers)

This must be the last song for the concert. There's also an encore song, which is a Hokkien song. I don't know the title but they sing good at it too.

That's all about the review. Hope you enjoy :).

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Just Got Tickets!!

Yep, it's official! I'm really going to see Lisbon Chamber Choir and KL Children's Choir tomorrow evening at USCI University :)!!
Mom just bought home three VIP tickets for the show. She got them from one of her students in Wesley Methodist School. Oh boy! Can't wait for that.
I like the envelope with the ticket inside. It makes it so grand :D.

Sound of Music Concert at WMSKL

Yesterday, mom took me to see a live performance at Wesley Methodist School, where she works as a teacher there now. The show is called 'Sound of Music', played by the school students themselves. I'm pretty sure you have seen the movie before. If you haven't, go and see it for yourselves! The concert is performing in two nights, like what I did before in a school musical. But I'm only coming for the first night. Brings back memories from my school days when I was singing in a choir.
While we were on the way to the school, it was pretty jam along the highway. We left quite early. So I put some Cantonese music to cheer us up in the car.

Finally, about an hour, we reach the school. Mom show me around the school. It was a big school, if you ask me. She show me where to go up for the concert. The hall is located at the top floor. Plus, she also show me the puppets that look like the one in the movie. They look cute♥

Then, we took the lift and show me around the hall. Doors will only open at 7.30 but the show will start at 8.00.

Then we roam around the classrooms on the way to the staff room. The students there are very polite. Whenever they see her, they greet her as 'Madam'. I was like "Wow!". We enter the staff room and I saw my math teacher, Mdm Susan. Her family is coming too, along with her two cute granddaughters.
We were hungry, so we head down to the canteen. Mom got me some food coupons for us to eat. I took a waffle with chocolate filling inside. I saw Mr Lim, our Science teacher back in my school. Also mom introduce me to an Indian lady teacher who borrowed me the saree for my Malaysian culture day in college.
Since I got nothing to do inside the staff room, I went down to look for my mom when suddenly I spot a familiar faces coming down the road. It's Mdm Susan's family!! The two girls name are Janae and Emma. They look quite tired.
Finally it's time to go up. I went on ahead with Janae. At the entrance, I accidently gave my two tickets, one is mine and the other one is a teacher from my school. We were taken to our seats by the prefects, who are ushering. Then the rest of Janae's family came in. Mdm Susan gave us a copy of the program book. Inside was the cast and crew of the musical. Suddenly, we change our seats to the side seats that look like a stadium. But we can see the performance clearer and we can take photos too. The show started late because the VIP guest arrived late. I'm guessing it's due to the traffic outside. 
Finally, the show started. See here for the photos of the performance. I didn't manage to take the whole performance due to low battery of my camera.
It was a great experience for me. Lucky they declare Monday a holiday. Me and mom were planning to go shopping on Monday hopefully. What a magical night it was. Can't wait for Sunday's concert :D!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

3D Adventures of Sailor Moon

You probably want to know what's this game all about, right? Well, it's a fun game where you get to see your favorite characters from Sailor Moon. It was introduced to me by my cousins from Penang, who were playing it. Although it's for kids 6+ of age, it doesn't matter. Any age can play. It's just for the sake of fun ;). Let me tell you all about what you can find inside this game.
Once you slot in the cd-rom into your desktop, you will see a sign that says 'Do you want to play the Sailor Moon game?' And click yes. But be sure your desktop must be Windows 95 cause I tried to slot into my Vista desktop once, it won't read the animations or clips. Unless there's a Vista version of this game, which I don't know. And of course, your colour mode must be 265.
Anyways, back to explaining about the game. After you click the yes button, you will see a 3VR logo appear on the screen and the word 'Presents' button with a rainbow. Then it immediately transports you to a clip of the theme song with Sailor Moon and Sailor Jupiter on each side.


After you heard the song, you'll hear a voiceover saying, "Oh no! Queen Beryl has her hands on the Sailor Scouts' transformation items." Then, you'll be transported to the main menu of the play areas. There are 5 different rooms with fun games to play and hidden inside the rooms are the Sailor Scouts' transformation items. All you have to do is to complete each task of the games and you'll win back their items. But before you enter in any of the room areas, you might wanna click on the little book on the top left corner. It tells you a story about your mission. Anytime during the game, you can quit by clicking on the quit button on top. Last but not least, click on the cats, Luna, Luna-P or Artemis, if you need any help. They will appear at the bottom right corner in every game.


It's play time!! First, head to the Puzzle room that looks like this:-


Of course, in every game, you'll see a 'Now Loading' sign appearing all the time. So, please be patient :).
Inside this room, you'll see a huge rubic cube with pictures from Sailor Moon. There are 3 levels in this game (Easy, Medium and Hard). Don't worry. It's quite easy to fix the puzzles since you can drag the pieces anywhere you like. But remember this. Anytime you slot in the cd-rom and when you come back to this room, you'll have different pictures for you to solve. So it's not always the same pictures. Pretty cool, right? What you need to do here is to solve any three puzzles (can be the same level or different levels, it's up to you). After each puzzle is solve, you'll hear some messages. Some are for learning and some are just for fun :). After you solve all three puzzles, you'll get back Sailor Mercury's transformation pen.


Next, go to the Galactic Moon Library that looks like this:-


Inside this room, you can see three different types of objects. To move around the room, click the right (backward) or left (forward) mouse button. Double click on the objects, you'll be transported to each Sailor Moon character files. Here, you can read each character's profile and see their individual pictures. Once you reach Tuxedo Mask's profile, go through his pictures and when you're at the last picture, you'll get back Sailor Jupiter's pen.
Here's a hint for you guys. To go to Tuxedo Mask's profile without going through the Sailor Scouts' profile, you can click on the heart shaped spinning with Serena and Darien's picture on it. It's like a shortcut way, if you ask me.


Alright! Three more to go! We're halfway there. Next, go to the Moon Fashion show room that looks like this:-


Inside this room, you'll see each Sailor Moon characters walking down the stage like a fashion model. Each wearing their fighting outfit. Click on them to go to the fitting room and dress your character in various costumes, not just their fighting outfit alone. Don't forget to take a photo after you dressed them up :). To change character, click on the symbols below the stage. For a shortcut just to get back the pen, click on Sailor Venus' symbol at the bottom of the screen. After you dress her up, take the photos and voila! You have her pen back.


Two more to go. Head to the Moon Castle TV Show that looks like this:-


Inside this room, you can see 9 different video clips from the show Sailor Moon, accompanied by cool music and different background of Sailor Scouts. You can see all the 9 videos from my YouTube channel here. Here's a cool thing. You can play the clips either forward or backward. Once you reach the final video, click on the plus button and you'll get back Sailor Mars' pen.


Before you go to the final room, why don't you click on the star in the middle to hear the theme song all over again. It's the same video when you come into the game.


Now, are you ready to fight the evil forces and retrieved the last item? If you are, click on the Battle Room that looks like this to begin:-


Inside this room, your mission is to shoot either the blobbies or crystals that appear with Sailor Moon's magic wand. Move forward by using your left mouse button and right mouse button to shoot. Each time you enter, you'll either land on a blood soaked crater or the lavender field on the moon. Be careful! You have to move quickly because the enemies move quite fast and tries to avoid you.



However, the battle is not over yet. After you shoot all the blobbies or crystals, you'll see Queen Beryl with other enemies from Sailor Moon in a box. Quickly shoot it until it disappears. After that, you'll get back Sailor Moon's crystal wand.


At last, you got all the 5 items back! You'll hear a melodic music and a voiceover saying, "Congratulations!" And it advises you to click on the star.
This time, you'll see a Congratulation sign board and Sailor Moon doing a twirl, plus the 'Now Loading' sign.


Guess what your prize is? You can revisit the play areas and play the games all over again until you get bored of playing. You don't have to do the shortcuts anymore. This time the play area is bigger than the one before. As usual, move forward or backward and double click to go inside the play areas. Each time you enter and leave the play areas, you'll have a different background.

That's all about the game. Hope you enjoy my review!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lisbon Chamber Choir Live in Malaysia

Super sorry if I'm not so updated here. It's been a busy week for me in college. Anyways, let me introduced to another choir besides from Libera. This time it's not a boy group choir or any children's choir, it's an adult choir.
The choir is called "Coro de Camara de Lisboa" or also known as Lisbon Chamber Choir, a group of adult choir from Portugal. My mom show me a flyer of them coming down here to Malaysia for a live concert. The concert was organized by Wesley Methodist Church. They'll also be joined by the KL Children's Choir. The concert will be held on the 24th of July (right after my final exams) at USCI University.
I'd sure like to go. I mean after all, it's better than not seeing any choir live at all or unable to see Libera live. Who knows maybe Wesley Methodist will organize Libera to come down here(which I doubt so).
To find out more about this choir, click here for their homepage.