Friday, July 26, 2013

Super Junior KRY "Hanamizuki" Full MV

Another full MV by Super Junior, but this time is their sub-unit, KRY. I didn't know this song has a music video. I only know that this is KRY's song from their Japanese single, Promise You. Looking at this sub group makes me miss Yesung. Although I'm not a bias of him, I'll surely miss his lovely voice. Don't worry, Yesung. ELF's will wait for your return. 
Again, credit goes to RaiBaka for the video. And yes, I've posted  screencaps from the video. Please credit my name if you wish to copy them.  

Author's comments:
Sigh! I just love ballads, don't you? When it comes to KRY or other ballad songs, it makes me cool and calm. The MV is not bad. The only disadvantage is that during the switching scenes from the members singing to their individual shots, there's this flashing light that hurts my eyes. 
What I like about this MV is two hands holding some beautiful flowers and the scene where Kyuhyun is in the bathtub reading a magazine. That's the cutest scene I ever saw. Luckily, he's wearing his clothes during the filming. I can't imagine him looking naked :P.  And no, I'm not pervert!
But you know, just for your information, Kevin of U Kiss also did the same thing as Kyuhyun did for their Japanese MV "A Shared Dream". The only difference is that Kevin has water in the bathtub whereas Kyuhyun has none. 
Another scene I like to point out is where Yesung was sitting on the bed, staring at the camera with a smile. The way he look at the camera is like he's asking someone to sleep with him. Lol. 

If you have any comments, you may share your opinions :). But no rude comments, please.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Super Junior "Hero" Full MV

Hi all. Just like to post a video for fun. It's Super Junior's MV for their Japanese song, "Hero". I absolute love this song, including the MV as well. Check the video above. I do not own the video. Credit goes to RaiBaka for uploading the video. If you haven't watch this yet, please do so before it gets deleted.
Below are some screencaps I've captured. Please credit me if you're planning to copy them. I do apologize if the caps are blurred. This is the best I can do. Thanks.

Author's comments:
I have nothing much to say about this MV. I don't know why Jpop MV's are so much better than Kpop MV's. This is just my opinion, okay? Don't bash me for saying this. 
The scene where all the SJ members went on top of the HERO stage-like thingy, I suppose they felt kind of scared during the filming. Eunhyuk said that Donghae is afraid of heights. I guess he has to be brave in order to film this MV. He he! 
What's with the square neon pathway where Sungmin and Ryeowook were standing anyways? Love the scene where some of the members were staring at the city lights. 

That's all I gotta comment.